Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Face the Horror Movie

I have just a few faces when I watch horror movies. Just four really.

1. The "Really?" - I make this face usually at the beginning of the movie. It says, "The filmmakers really want me to believe that people act like this?" and "People are really scared of this kind of stuff?"

2. The "Eww" - I make this face when something is gross or unsettling, like the zombies are tearing their victim open or the violin music starts to go up two octaves.

3. The "No!" - This is for when I'm really into the movie, and the people on screen don't do what I say.

4. The "Grudge" - I save this for when the movie is in full swing. I pretend that I'm a crazy ghost because there's no way the scary stuff on screen will come out of the television and mess with a scary ghost. The scary stuff will be afraid of me.

I try not to watch scary movies when other people are around.

I get weird looks.

Next up: This Geico commercial

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